As He is

Check this out: it is Awe-somely/Awe-filled-ly blessed. Wow! I just was blessed with that derivative of the English language! To God be The GLORY EVERY step that we take and every move that we make IJN, Amen to that.
We at times might say ‘awful,’ really? Let us in The Mighty Name of Jesus convert that into Awe-filled! I did not say “Awe-some” but rather Awe-filled! We stand as fountains when we ‘faith’ it. Are you a believer? Practice it! It is yours, it is what you are called! Is it not? So, get to ‘faithing.’
You know why? “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, check this out, The evidence of things not yet seen!”
Amazingly this was said over 2000 years ago!
Check this out, it is 2017 AD, what does that stand for? Was it ‘just time’ or is it based on Something?

An·no Dom·i·ni

ˌanō ˈdämənē/


adverb: Anno Domini

  1. full form of AD.


mid 16th century: Latin, literally ‘in the year of the Lord.’

Frankly, it blows my mind! This ‘faker’/Actor/”Whatever He was!” Even changed the perception of time?

His death changed it all, His rising from the dead, drew a line clearly in the sand. Where people (Lazarus) and in the apostles days were raised through Faith, in Jesus’ case He was mourned! No one went to raise Him. It was done by His Father, His Head/Director! And again, no one went to pray for Him to be raised from the dead. The women went to dress His battered body, and found His covering in a heap! Possibly, they took Him so that no one would say that He ‘miraculously’ was taken! Uhh! He appeared to many, had His traits that He had when He was here! “Throw your net in on that side.” Even though they had fished all night, they decided to humor this ‘Stranger’:

The ‘Stranger’ called out to them, “Friends, haven’t you any fish?”

“No,” they answered.The ‘Stranger’ said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did and ‘humored Him,’ they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

John 21:4-14

Again, we see proof to that to many He was and is. He changed time, even as we see it!

“Just a figment of imagination!” That changed time as we see it in the worldly sense? We discussed taking a ‘chance’ in believing. A chance! I will politely ask, if wrong, what is the loss. If proven right? The endless “possibilities?”

Just humbly stating! Have a blessed all ways IJN, Amen

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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