We give You thanks in our ALL….

In every season we give You praise, We see Your testimonies in ALL,

In plenty, we worship you – Glory be!

In lack we are expectant – Hallelujah

For there is naught that befalls me that has not touched another,

We see illness, sickness, loss as calamity, where You permit it Lord it is a rose that grows among thorns,

Every trial is a testimony in the birthing process, we may labor through, but in the end our testimonies are born, we with adulation to Your Essence cry out in adulation giving You praise Father,


No matter how a diamond is made, pressure and heat are essential in production,

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ALL things are with their season, for their reason, according to that which we are able You allow us to be tested,

Our sand becomes diamond, Amen. Carbon is a common substance, yet diamonds are rare, precious, indestructible—the hardest substance on Earth. The story of sand turning into diamonds exemplifies the way in which ordinary, everyday experiences become, over time, the source of our knowledge and strength.


Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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