Searching for love? Look no further!

Have you ever been happy when something bad happened to a person that you didn’t like? “They got what they deserved.” This is not love. This is EVIL. Love always wins, but on a personal level, we must let it. Strive to constantly remind yourself to love others ALL the time. Is this a nearly impossible task? Or is it sad that it isn’t easier? Be conscious of it and it will get easier with time.

And we pray:

Your Love always shines through, my Father in Heaven. My appreciation for Love, for You, and my Love for You grows with every beat of my heart. I know that Love will persevere as it always has in my life, and I ask that You forgive me for the times that I revel in the pain and misfortune of others, whoever they may be. I want to be more Loving, O Lord, and I pray that You fill my heart with nothing but Love for the rest of my time on Earth. Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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