Peace is yours (and mine)

Christ contains the many believers within Him. He has taken on our sins, our transgressions, our fears and anxieties, and He has reconciled them. The blood of His was spilled for us. In this era where so often selfishness is celebrated or seen as a way to get ahead of ones competitors, we would do well to remember Christ’s sacrifice, of taking on the burdens of others and not simply caring about advancing oneself.

And we pray:

Heavenly Father in Jesus’ name I pray for my salvation and a guide through this life. Let me live in Your only begotten Sons’ example Lord, for He was merciful, He was caring and compassionate. I ask for You to instruct me in these things Lord, so that I may be more like Him, taking up all things up within me too, finding within peace and grace. Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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