Could they? Can YOU?

The disciples saw only the lack of food and of money, but they forgot the Power of God!!! We might feel the same ASK Land you shall recieve, Amen. The disciples had seen so many miracles done by Jesus, and yet, they still did not understand the possibility for God’s Essence to radiate in testimony before the masses. They forgot that “Little is much, if God is in it. Amen.”

We would have been the same! Learn to ask AND recieve. Faith is the knowledge that what is asked for has been recieved. In the spiritual realm, actions occur and we are known in our entirety. Our needs and wants are known – ask in prayer.

And we pray:

Teach us, Lord, to believe in Your power and not to despair over our present circumstances. We know you can do great things with very little things. We know You delight to work with what is weak, that Your strength might be glorified, Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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