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The Bible is filled with examples of foolish men,

sometimes even wicked men that ask God for forgiveness or wisdom and are granted it.

It can be frustrating to feel helpless when we cannot understand something or when something is out of our control. That is just it: it is out of our control but in God’s control. Trust him, ask him, and be content knowing he will not look down on you for this. we who trust in Christ and have the Spirit of God are waiting with eager longing. We are looking forward to the completion of our adoption as God’s children: the redemption of our bodies. That will happen once these sin-warped bodies of ours finally die and are resurrected in glory, just as Jesus’ body was (1 John 3:2).

Now Paul writes that the hope of this very thing—resurrection, being with God as His children—is the same hope that brought us to faith in Christ in the first place. It’s the thing everyone longs for, but nobody can reach on our own. Sin keeps us from God’s eternal glory (Romans 3:23), but God gives it to us as a gift (Romans 6:23).

And we pray:

Everyday I feel lucky to have You in my life, Abba Father. Forgive me for being hesitant to ask for help from Your Essence due to my pride. I am so thankful that You will always Love me as Your child. It is in Your glory that I pray these words. Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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