To God be The glory, Amen.

If I say that we are meant to be on top. Do I sound silly? I am well aware that many of us walk in ignorance. It’s a fact that we are entitled to so much!
“Make me your focal point as you move through this day. Just as a spinning ballerina must keep returning her eyes to a given point to maintain her balance, so you must keep returning your focus to me. Circumstances are in flux, and the world seems to be whirling around you. The only way to keep your balance is to fix your eyes on Me, the One who never changes. If you gaze too long at your circumstances, you will become dizzy and confused. Look to me, refreshing yourself in My Presence, and your steps will be steady and sure.”
Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Psalm 2:8

So, ask AND believe and you will receive! Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be thrown open!

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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