Sold out. We are bought! The price has been paid in FULL!!! Amen.

Through Jesus, we as Earthly beings have also found a path to overcoming the world. But, the only lasting transcendence is that granted to us by the Lord. Many might try other methods, the most sad and tragic one common today being drugs. Yet, without salvation and the word of The Lord, these attempts are doomed to fail. In the Christian faith we transcend ourselves into more perfect beings, and finally upon our day of reckoning, we transcend our flesh and enter into the eternal Kingdom. Drugs on the other hand allow one only to descend deeper into oneself and ones own anxieties, only to return to one’s original position. Rather than being truly liberated, one simply plunges deeper into a need to escape. Without God, and ones spirit, one cannot truly transcend this life, one may merely bore deeper into its illusions.

And we pray:

God Our Heavenly Father, I thank You for counting me amongst those of Your blessed children, who know Your Name and wish to sit at the feet of Your Throne. I pray for those to whom You Speak, but are too deaf to listen. May they find inner wisdom and the true path into eternal life; through Your divine glory and mercy alone, Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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