And we share: our questions – the answers…

Heart’s Desire Question #1: What thoughts occupy your mind when you have nothing else to think about?

If you realized how powerful your thoughts were, you would never think a negative thought. Peace Pilgrim.

What we think about most determines what we value. And what we think about most is eventually who we become. Thoughts are powerful. Dr. Caroline Leaf, a Christian pathologist, wrote a fascinating book (the book is titled Switch on Your Brain) about the power of thoughts. In the book, she says this: “Nothing happens until you first build the thought … the thought produces words, actions and behavior.”

That’s real.

Your thoughts expose the desires of your mind and heart. So, where does your mind wander when you are alone? Is your mind turned toward God? If God is the love of your life, your ultimate heart’s desire, your mind will gravitate toward him. You will set your mind on the things above. Your desire to know him and grow toward him will increased.

Heart’s Desire Question #2:  If everything was taken from you and only God was left, would he be enough?

Really, take a moment to consider this question. If you are a follower of Jesus, this is the end goal. You are on a one-way trip to dwell with God. Forever. That’s weighty stuff. And if God is most important, the thought of dwelling with God forever should excite you.

God is faithful. But is God enough? Just being honest, many days I don’t believe he is. I love my stuff. I love my family. I love golf. If all of these were taken from me, I am not sure God would be enough. Unlike Job, I would probably want to curse God and die.

The story of Job is a crazy, powerful example of a man whose ultimate heart’s desire is God. Satan comes in and takes everything. Family. Possessions (and Job wasn’t a middle-class man … he had stupid wealth). Livestock. Health. Everything. How does Job respond? Faithfully. He never curses God. This is only possible when God is the ultimate heart’s desire.

Could you honestly say you would respond like Job if everything you own was taken? It would be hard for me. I have some work to do in my own life with this question.

Is God enough for you?

Heart’s Desire Question #3: Who or what triggers worry, anxiety and/or depression?

This is a great Scripture for anxiety: Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

As I wrestled with this question, God revealed several areas that spark worry, anxiety and depression. Speaking publicly. Grades in school. Negativity toward my family or ministry.

Even though I enjoy public speaking, I usually worry about my effectiveness. Did I prepare enough? Will the audience be receptive? In school, I made decent grades, but I always had anxiety before tests and exams. Did I study enough? What if I bomb the test? The only seasons of depression in my life were preceded by a vicious attack on my family and ministry. Are their words true? Am I not good enough for this?

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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