Are you willing? Hungry? In need? What do you desire? Ask; in faith.

Call unto The LORD our God. I cannot say this enough…”God made the SEEN from the unseen!”

What is, was not; until The Creator Willed it into existence.

Man has been blessed with a mind; we can make choices. ALL things are with reason, beware! What are the desires of your heart?

This scripture is often referred to as God’s phone number: JE333. We are invited to “call” Him and He promises to answer us and tell us “great and mighty things” we never knew. He gave Jeremiah His personal number. Imagine meeting the President at a restaurant somewhere. The two of you hit it off. Before he leaves, he slips you a card with his personal cell number and says, “Call me anytime. We’ll talk.” Wow! What an honor! You have the President’s private number! How much greater is it that we have God’s private number, and not only that, we are invited to use it. This is proof that God longs for a relationship with us. All we have to do is to pick up the phone.

And we pray:

Father, I am so grateful that You want relationship with me. You invite me to call on You and You promise that You will converse with me. I mean so much to You that You have given me Your personal number! Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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