Sing unto The Lord a new song.

There are many ways one may think of prayer and worship, and one should feel encouraged in revamping them a little if it means one may serve better ones daily practices or routines. Singing God’s praises isn’t just for in Church time, it is wherever, whenever. It can be your own song or one you’ve committed to heart, it doesn’t particularly matter; God doesn’t think of it as a singing competition. What is important is ones intent, ones heart, ones willingness to rejoice! If singing is really not your thing, the definition could be widened; write a poem of praise or do a dance, whatever it is, it’s the joy in celebrating our Lord that counts.

And we pray:

Heavenly Father, I wish to sing Your praises, to rejoice in Your name of The Lord Your only begotten Son. For You are the object of our affection, the source of ALL our light, and the giver of truth. Heavenly Father I pray that You may hear my psalms reverberate up in the highest reaches of Heaven, for I Love to rejoice with You Lord, as I Love you. Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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