And we pray for our Healthcare workers 🙏

Father LORD, Your Essence Knew before they were created what exactly they would ‘choose’ to do.

Like the army of the Isrealites whom You went before, we thank You for giving the strength and focus.

Father, You permitted this for a cause. We will not know and/or understand now. Father, as in the days of Job, ALL was known and permitted by Your Essence.  Being so close to sorrow. We ask that You strengthen them. For those on the precipice we ask that Your Essence offers them a chance to cry out to You.

Father, You are The Source of our strength, strengthen our Healthcare workers we pray in Jesus’ name, Amen

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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