ONE – How do we understand it as The body of Christ?


Paul, the New Testament Apostle, taught that those who “have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.” For ye are all one in Christ Jesus.

What really makes one person different from another? We all come out of the same Source; each of us has a physical body with a built-in sense mechanism; there are more similarities between us than differences. We human beings are strikingly alike, what then is the important difference between us?

It is the degree of awareness! One person sees with his or her soul; another sees only with his or her eyes and is relatively blind. One person drinks of the essence of spirit; the other gets the foam. The life of one person is a continuous experience of wonder and awe; the life of another is an experience of confusion and despair.

It would seem then that we should try to be more aware. This is not as easy as it sounds. Increased awareness is achieved more by relaxation than by action upon the objective world of things. Awareness is increased when we allow it to happen, more so than when we struggle to discover it.

Chronic “busyness” as we know it in our culture is not the seedbed of increased awareness. Perhaps we could start by practicing letting go and just being for a segment of time, allowing awareness to grow within us.

We are new. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. … We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.

Father, we as Mankind exist within the bodies we have been blessed with in Your Image. No Man has ever seen You, but Your Son – Jesus. We are beyond blessed for Your Essence began speaking to Man through prophets. Some listened, others were lost and You from The beginning of time Knew what Man would do. We are in a fallen world and for true peace; seek You. Many are unaware that You are true peace. Lord, I ask that You please shower me with peace. Allow my soaked spirit to spread and share Your peace. We are one body, Your Word is at the head and we strive to be as He is, Amen. We ask that You give us a hunger to be and live as Christ. Lord, cover our ALL WAYS. Bless us and make us whole we pray. We seek You daily, Amen.

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