Our lives are to give thanks ALL-ways, Amen.

This ALL came from somewhere! Ever seen the “xyz” complex on Pluto? How about the “$%×x” industrial dynasty on Neptune?

“Uhh! My family will be moving to Uranus for a mining ‘gig'”

Question? When this is all done (age is a factor!) then?

Gotcha thinking!

Exoplanets are planets beyond our own solar system. Thousands have been discovered in the past two decades, mostly with NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope. 

These worlds come in a huge variety of sizes and orbits. Some are gigantic planets hugging close to their parent stars; others are icy, some rocky. NASA and other agencies are looking for a special kind of planet: one that’s the same size as Earth, orbiting a sun-like star in the habitable zone.

The habitable zone is the range of distances from a star where a planet’s temperature allows liquid water oceans, critical for life on Earth. The earliest definition of the zone was based on simple thermal equilibrium, but current calculations of the habitable zone include many other factors, including the greenhouse effect of a planet’s atmosphere. This makes the boundaries of a habitable zone “fuzzy.”  

Astronomers announced in August 2016 that they might have found such a planet orbiting Proxima Centauri. The newfound world, known as Proxima b, is about 1.3 times more massive than Earth, which suggests that the exoplanet is a rocky world, researchers said. The planet is also in the star’s habitable zone, just 4.7 million miles (7.5 million kilometers) from its host star. It completes one orbit every 11.2 Earth-days. As a result, it’s likely that the exoplanet is tidally locked, meaning it always shows the same face to its host star, just as the moon shows only one face (the near side) to Earth.

Most exoplanets have been discovered by the Kepler Space Telescope, an observatory that began work in 2009 and is expected to finish its mission in 2018, once it runs out of fuel. As of mid-March 2018, Kepler has discovered 2,342 confirmed exoplanets and revealed the existence of perhaps 2,245 others. The total number of planets discovered by all observatories is 3,706.

Astronomers are astonished that extrasolar planetary systems look nothing like our solar system.


Cause/reason? Earth was made for Man and Man for Earth. The GREATEST Artist – Supernatural yes!

Man as an Artist. Since God has created us and made us to reflect Him (Genesis 1:26-27), we are also capable of aesthetic creation, reflection, self-evaluation, and visual communication.

Extensive word study led to the conclusion that creativity in Scripture refers exclusively to God’s achievements and that those achievements are in two dimensions which mirror human creativity. In the other dimension God creates by doing or performing rather than making.

If you are grateful for your life’s blessings and want to thank God for them, you can express your thanks in prayers and deeds. Spend a few moments every night to say a small “thank you” to God: not just for your successes; offer your thanks even when you fail. Failures are the stepping stones to success.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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