Waiting! Can be so difficult, dreary, such a let down.

A time for focus, a time for renewal, a time of rest.

We have heard/read/seen it so often…

Uhh! Did I miss the point? Wait on The LORD! Yes! Waiting can be a time of renewal; strength rebirth, peace within. When you soar…give God ALL The glory, Amen.

Father, by Your grace I soar to Your glory, Amen.

Ah, to fly like an eagle! All things are possible through God. If we allow ourselves to be faithful, we can understand a little bit more how God sees the world. He created all things, and if we continue our faith journey, we will understand what He knows and sees when we join Him in Heaven. We must steadfastly believe.

And we pray:

Raise me up, on eagles’ wings! Lord, I will soar through the air. Through my belief, I know that my body will perish, but my faith will never grow weary. You have carried me when I was weary on my faith journey, and I am forever indebted to You for that. I pray that You carry me on my journey when I falter, and give me the strength to do the same for others, as Jesus has done for all of us. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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