Hallelujah, glory!!!

The world is full of things to see. Even if you aren’t a world traveler, all you have to do is hop online and you can see it all. Whatever your mind can imagine, you can probably find it on the internet. You can literally see just about anything online, if you search long enough. Nothing is left to the imagination anymore. How amazing is it then, that what God has prepared for us is greater than anything that our eyes have seen or our ears have heard? It is even greater than anything we could have imagined in our hearts! Our God is a creative God. What he has in store for us is so far beyond anything we can ever think about! How exciting to know that we “ain’t seen nothing yet”!

Imagination cannot and will not ever grasp The length and breadth of The Love of our Creator Who sent His Word to Earth to die for my sins! A Sacrifice for me! ALL glory to Your Essence Father!!! I was created for a reason, use me LORD, Amen.

And we pray:

Father, I am filled with anticipation at the thought of what You have prepared for me. I am excited to see what You have created and I thank You for allowing me to be a part of it. Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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