Known secret knowledge 😏

It has been written! Do you desire?

How do we trust in The Creator of ALL? God used/uses no preexisting material to Create the Universe. God’s act of Creation causes matter, space, time, and even the very laws which govern the Universe to exist. Regardless of the scientific explanations of ‘how’ it came to be, God, in one divine action from all of eternity, creates and sustains ALL that exists.

The complexity of this matter is wrapped in understanding The LORD.

1. God creates the Universe ex nihilo, “from nothing.”

God uses no preexisting material to create the Universe. God’s act of creation causes matter, space, time, and even the very laws which govern the Universe to exist. Regardless of the scientific explanations of ‘how’ it came to be, God, in one divine action from all of eternity, creates and sustains all that exists.

2. God Creates the Universe cum tempore, “with time.”

For God, Who transcends time, to create at the first moment of the universe is no different than what God is doing at this moment. Right now, as much as at any time in the past, God is saying “Let there be light,” “Let the earth teem with living things,” etc. God’s act of creation is not a historical event that happens within time, but it is instead a metaphysical reality describing the Universe’s dependence on God’s eternal act of creating, which transcends time.

3. God creates the Universe cum libertate, “with freedom.”

God is free to create the cosmos, and to do it in the way He sees fit. God, Who is Love (1 John 4:8), chose to make this Universe; He did not have to Create in order to be God. The perfect freedom by which God Creates means that the Universe was created out of perfect Love.

4. God creates the universe ex Trinitate, “out of the Trinity.”

Creation is the work of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who, in a perfect communion of love produce the universe out of divine love and goodness. Everything created exists because of God’s inexhaustible, merciful love. God had no need to create; rather, the universe is the product of love overflowing and merciful love, and is therefore the foundation and deepest meaning of all things. 

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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