Use wisdom. Pray always.

Another story about a baby being left in a hot car on a summer day. How many children have to die before we get enough sense to stop leaving babies in hot cars! Common sense doesn’t seem to be that common today. People suing fast food restaurants for serving hot coffee. Warning labels on hair dryers warning us not to submerge them in water. Warnings on knife packages that the blade is sharp. Common sense doesn’t seem to be that common today. People suing fast food restaurants for serving hot coffee. Warning labels on hair dryers warning us not to submerge them in water. Warnings on knife packages that the blade is sharp. Common sense has taken a backseat to idiotic behavior. Clear thinking has left the building. We learn from this Proverb that wisdom and discretion are what is needed most in the world. These things bring “life” and “grace.” If we but practice clear thinking, our lives will benefit. We need to focus on doing things that make sense. To think before we speak, before we act. We need to make common sense common again.

And we pray:

Father, Help me to maintain clear thoughts and to practice common sense. Let me not go the way of foolish, nonsensical people, but give me wisdom and discretion so that my life may be fuller, richer, and better. Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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