Trust in God ALONE with your ALL, Amen.


Here is what God says:

Your wound is incurable, your injury beyond healing. There is no one to plead your cause, no remedy for your sore, no healing for you…but I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord.

Jeremiah 30:12-13, 17

Never forget that the God who speaks tenderly is also a mighty warrior, ready to defend, to save, to rescue, and to restore. When God calls us to a battle, He wants to do the fighting. And in whatever battle we are facing, He also wants there to be no confusion as to where our victory has come from.

Where the world says you can’t, God says I can. Where the world says you are not enough, God says I am. Where the world says it’s impossible, God says all things are possible with Me. Where the world says there is no hope, God says I am the God of hope.

Sometimes our battles are completely out of the world’s hands, but they are completely in the hands of the Father. When we fight a battle that defies the knowledge of man, God’s truth reigns.

Lean not on your own understanding, beloved child of God.

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