
Keep being your best in Christ!

Stay faithful where you are.

Don’t despise the small things.

Those small acts of service are leading to the big things God has in store.

Many of you have been serving faithfully, helping others, going the extra mile with a smile. Get ready; your time is coming. God’s about to put you in a position where you’re not carrying a crown, you’re wearing a crown. You’re seeing your dream come to pass.

God has His Own sense of timing: ‘With The LORD a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day’ (2 Peter 3:8). He has perfect timing: never early, never late. God is never in a hurry, but He is always on time. The Lord is sovereign over the future.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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