You ever dream?

Are you spoken to in the spirit? I should ask… Are you a believer? For many are called, few are chosen… Isaiah was best known as the Hebrew prophet who predicted the coming of Jesus Christ to salvage Mankind from sin. Isaiah lived about 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. 700 years before the birthContinue reading “You ever dream?”

Can and do we say this?

I have often felt bad that there has been nothing in my life that I felt so strongly for that I would be willing to die for it. The Apostle Paul implores all believers in Christ to change their view about this: all Christians have Christ to thank for life and should be willing toContinue reading “Can and do we say this?”


Help me LORD.

The world is full of sin and darkness. Thankfully, we have a God Who Loves us enough to send His Son – Jesus Christ, to die on the cross to purge us of our sins and give us eternal life with Him in Heaven. How glorious! How marvelous! But, God did not come to helpContinue reading “Help me LORD.”

What are you doing with YOUR key?

What we bind here on Earth is bound in Heaven. What we loose here on Earth is loosed in Heaven. We are of The Family of God. Contrary to supposition, we as The Church (Body of Christ, with Jesus at The Head) are promised this for and in all our ways. Or, as The NewContinue reading “What are you doing with YOUR key?”

Know this!

God is greater than the highs and lows” is a phrase you can use to remind you of God’s power in your life. No situation in your life is greater than God. Trust God with the details of your life and know that He will work all things for your good, Amen. Pondering my challengesContinue reading “Know this!”


The Presence of God does not mean the absence of battle but it ensures the assurance of victory. If you follow God’s plan, God will guide your life. God honors those who honor Him. Seek and follow God’s plan. Good success is yours, Amen. We hear a lot about generational curses, but there’s something calledContinue reading “NB”

Inexplicable circumstances. PRAY!

Fear: There are at least two kinds of fear mentioned in the Bible. The first kind of fear is the fear of the Lord, which is healthy and to be encouraged. The second kind of fear the Bible talks about is a “spirit of fear” (see 2 Timothy 1:7), which is a hindrance to our lifeContinue reading “Inexplicable circumstances. PRAY!”

Amen. Hallelujah!!!