Do! Do not just say…

It is easy for us to sit in church and listen to the word and tell ourselves that is enough. But is it actually getting through to us? If we have any actual faith, God tells us it will move us into action. If we are not moved to action, we must reconsider the stateContinue reading “Do! Do not just say…”

ALL Knowing God. NOTHING is hidden!

God knows all things, past, present and future, real and potential, and He knows them all at the same time. He not only knows what was, and what is, He also knows what will be. More than that, He  knows everything that could be but is not. The Bible teaches that God is all-knowing or omniscient. The word “omniscient” comes from twoContinue reading “ALL Knowing God. NOTHING is hidden!”


What Does It Mean to Have the Mind of Christ?

The mind of Christ is something all believers have, as the Apostle Paul said, when speaking to the Christians in Corinth, “we have the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). Those who have the mind of Christ are able to discern spiritual things that the natural man (or the unbeliever) cannot understand or see. HavingContinue reading “What Does It Mean to Have the Mind of Christ?”

“Once in Royal David’s City”

This was Known. David was tested and tried to show his worthiness. What is your story? Come trials and tribulations; do you stand firm?’s%20Victories%20and%20Failures.htm


We reap what we sow.

Our story has been written. It is not “by chance” that we are where we are. Reasons/decisions…some may be “out of our control”. Stay prayed up. The wicked or the weak will put up a front to cover their crimes or transgressions. Behind the sweetest of smiles may lurk the most devastating characters. Beware! GodContinue reading “We reap what we sow.”

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