Be strong in The Lord and in The POWER of His MIGHT, Amen.

Long before the enemy targeted you… God chose YOU!! God has anointed you for not just your assignment, but also your attacks!!! Don’t lay down in defeat, but rather stand firm in the power and anointing of Christ!

‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭2‬:‭9‬
“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;”,%E2%80%9CBut%20you%20are%20a%20chosen%20generation%2C%20a%20royal%20priesthood%2C,1%20Peter%202%3A9).

Reason to Love…

God has assembled us uniquely as His Body, a family of interdependent and collaborative parts working together as a unit to carry out Christ’s continuing work. Our unity ought to be evident in the way that we hold one another up, celebrating each other’s triumphs, and mourning each other’s losses. In doing so, we work and operate as one body, reflecting the Love of The One Who called us together.

And we pray:

Lord, thank You for calling me to Yourself, and for connecting me with my family of faith. I am grateful for the love and encouragement that my brothers and sisters in Christ have shown to me. Help me to be a faithful member of this body, to do my part to share the burdens of others’ suffering, and to join in the joy of their victories. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Your part? *THE SECOND VULTURE* In the 1990’s there was a widely circulated photo of a vulture waiting for a starving little girl to die and feast on her corp. That photo was taken during the 1993/94 famine in Sudan, by Kevin Carter, a South African photojournalist, who later won the Pulitzer Prize for this ‘amazing shot’.* *However, as Kevin Carter was savouring his feat and being celebrated on major news channels and networks worldwide for such an ‘exceptional photographic skill’, he lived just for a few months to enjoy his supposed achievement and fame, as he later got depressed and took his own life!* *Kevin Carter’s depression started, when during one of such interviews (a phone-in programme), someone called in and asked him what happened to the little girl. He simply replied, “I didn’t wait to find out after this shot, as I had a flight to catch…” Then the caller said, “I put it to you that there were two vultures on that day, one had a camera”.* *Thus, his constant thought of that statement, later led to depression and he ultimately committed suicide. Kevin Carter could have still been alive today and even much more famous, if he had just picked that little girl up and taken her to the United Nations Feeding Center, where she was attempting to reach or at least take her to somewhere safe.* *Today, regrettably this is what is happening all around the world. The world celebrates stupidity and inhumane act, at the detriment of other. Kevin Carter should have taken the girl away from that place, which will cost him nothing, yet he didn’t. Here is the inhuman posture, “he had all time to take his shot, but he had no time to save the girl’s life”.* *Thus, we must all understand that, the purpose of life, is to also touch lives. So are you too a Vulture. In whatever we do, let humanity come first, before what we stand to gain out of the situation. In all we do let’s always think of others and how we can be of benefit to humanity, how we can lend a helping hand and wipe away tears. Hence, when we seek knowledge, wealth, fame, skills or even positions, let’s think of how we can use it to benefit the people and society at large.* *Today, there is a lot of poverty in the land, so if our God Almighty has blessed you, be a blessing to others, extend a helping hand to those in need. Remember, you giving, is also a way of appreciating divine blessings, bounties, and favour of God Almighty upon you. Therefore, it is very important that we all should help the poor and needy, the orphans and widows amongst us, so that they can meet their needs. Please don’t be a Kevin Carter, be human and think humanity.* *Beware, we humans are not humans, if we lack humaneness in all we do.*

Each moment, I live a story blessed as a child of God whose story in life has already been written…

This tells of the Omniscient and Omnipotent AWESOMENESS of God.

Isaiah 38:1-15

At that time, Hezekiah got sick. He was about to die. The prophet Isaiah son of Amoz visited him and said, “God says, ‘Prepare your affairs and your family. This is it: You’re going to die. You’re not going to get well.'”

Hezekiah turned away from Isaiah and, facing the wall, prayed to God:

“God, please, I beg you: Remember how I’ve lived my life. I’ve lived faithfully in your presence, lived out of a heart that was totally yours. You’ve seen how I’ve lived, the good that I have done.” And Hezekiah wept as he prayed – painful tears.

Then God told Isaiah,

“Go and speak with Hezekiah. Give him this Message from me, God, the God of your ancestor David: ‘I’ve heard your prayer. I have seen your tears. Here’s what I’ll do: I’ll add fifteen years to your life.

And I’ll save both you and this city from the king of Assyria. I have my hand on this city.

“‘And this is your confirming sign, confirming that I, God, will do exactly what I have promised.

Watch for this: As the sun goes down and the shadow lengthens on the sundial of Ahaz, I’m going to reverse the shadow ten notches on the dial.'” And that’s what happened: The declining sun’s shadow reversed ten notches on the dial.

This is what Hezekiah king of Judah wrote after he’d been sick and then recovered from his sickness:

10 In the very prime of life I have to leave. Whatever time I have left is spent in death’s waiting room.

11 No more glimpses of God in the land of the living, No more meetings with my neighbors, no more rubbing shoulders with friends.

12 This body I inhabit is taken down and packed away like a camper’s tent. Like a weaver, I’ve rolled up the carpet of my life as God cuts me free of the loom And at day’s end sweeps up the scraps and pieces.

13 I cry for help until morning. Like a lion, God pummels and pounds me, relentlessly finishing me off.

14 I squawk like a doomed hen, moan like a dove. My eyes ache from looking up for help: “Master, I’m in trouble! Get me out of this!”

15 But what’s the use? God himself gave me the word. He’s done it to me. I can’t sleep – I’m that upset, that troubled.

Because God knows everything (1 John 3:20)—even the number of hairs on your head (Matthew 10:29-30)—we can be sure that He knows exactly when, where, and how we will die. The Bible talks about a “book” in Psalm 139:16 that could be a reference to God’s knowledge: “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” God knows absolutely everything about us (Psalm 139:1-6). There is no secret action or thought that escapes His notice. He knows what we have done, what we’re doing, and what we’re going to do in the future. (Yes, He even knows about that thing you do.) God knows every second of our lives from the moment we were conceived to the split second our souls leave our bodies.

So does this mean your fate is sealed?

Do we have zero control over the day and time when we will die? Well, yes and no, depending on how you look at it.

From God’s point of view, the answer is “yes” because He’s omniscient, meaning He knows exactly when, where, and how anything will go down—including how we leave this earth. Nothing we can do will change what God already knows will happen.

On the flipside, the answer is “no” from our perspective because as far as our limited minds are concerned, we do have an impact on when, where, and how we die. We could choose to jump off a bridge in front of a train, thereby “choosing” the day and time we die. Obviously, a person who commits suicide would have lived longer had he not committed suicide. In the same way, if we decide to make dumb choices like put ourselves in dangerous situations, overdose on illicit drugs, or eat 100 Twinkies in under a minute, we’ve hurried our own death. The person who dies of lung cancer or a heart attack maybe wouldn’t have died in the same way or at the same time if he had made different choices. So, yes, our own decisions have an undeniable impact on the manner, timing, and place of our death.

But! Our choices don’t change the fact that God still knows what we’re going to choose. Yeah, that blows my mind too.

Practically speaking, how does this affect your life?

Both regardless and because of the fact that God knows everything, we are to live each day for Him. After all, if He knows what’s going to happen (and we don’t), it might be a good idea to listen to Him. James 4:13-15 says, “Now listen, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money.’ Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, ‘If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.'”

Make wise decisions about how you live your life and how you take care of yourself. God may know what we’re going to choose, but it’s still up to us to make those choices. Don’t worry about the time and day of your death. It’s not for us to know. Honestly, if I knew when I was going to die, I would probably be so focused on that date that I’d never get anything accomplished.

Not sure what’s the best choice to make? Guess what? God does. Trust that He is in control and ask Him. He wants to help you!

We look to people in power for all manner of needs. Military defense, justice, economic management, and more. And even the best earthly leaders fail on some of these endeavors. Some failures arise from weakness, others from evil intentions, and still others from a lack of wisdom. But they all remind us that only God is perfect and trustworthy in ALL things.


Pray in EVERY situation. God Who Gave us life has determined our ‘time.’ On a trip once, I met a fellow believer and all we could say knowing that the chances of our meeting again here on Earth were slim was “by God’s AWESOME grace we will see again on the other side…” that in and of itself says so much!

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Philippians 4:6

Over the years I’ve been growing in my understanding of prayer and how God wants to have an ongoing dialogue with me throughout my day, where I am accessible to Him in every aspect of my life.

Through prayer, I invite and involve God into my everydayness. Below are four ways I’ve been learning to include prayer into my daily life.

1. Seize the Moment

Instead of telling people “I’ll pray” when someone asks for prayer, my goal is to take time to actually pray right in the moment, because it’s easy to forget. Also when someone asks for prayer, it reflects openness on his or her part towards God, something that may not be present later on.

Sometimes the simplest of phrases can touch a hardened or hurting heart. Psalm 49:3 reassures me that God can help my mouth speak words of wisdom.

Even if words are awkward and don’t come easy, or if they flow easily, I trust God to give me words to speak that will encourage, comfort, and touch hearts.

2. Let God Lead

Scriptures states as a child of God, I’m to be led by His Spirit (Romans 8:14). Doing so helps me in so many ways such as recognizing when someone is open to prayer, situations where prayer is needed, and how to pray.

In asking the Lord to guide my prayers, I find myself praying in new and unexpected ways and places, trusting Him to lead my thoughts and prayers.

Letting God lead also frees me from things such as feelings of self-consciousness and trying to impress with well-expressed words or phrasing. Psalm 25:6 states that the Lord guides the humble in what is right and teaches them His way.

3. Take Time

When someone asks for prayer through an email, Facebook, or Twitter, take time to respond. Find a few minutes to send or post a thoughtful response to requests for prayer, trusting God to minister through your words.

Even with all of social media’s issues, there are still opportunities to bring a refreshing word.

Like Proverbs 15:23 states, “A person finds joy in giving an apt reply and how good is a timely word!”

4. Be Available

Let God know you are available, willing, and asking Him for opportunities to pray. When you do, commit to being on-call to pray 24/7, along with being open to surprising situations.

Unexpected opportunities in my life have included praying with a stranger outside an amusement park ride, during a Christmas party, on a crowded airliner, in a store’s check-out line, and more.

Like 2 Timothy 4:2 urges, I aim to be prepared in season and out of season, ready to reach out to others.

Why cry in Heaven?

A place of unending joy? So many verses talk about the need for comfort in Heaven. Why?

The pain/anguish of eternal loss. Losing loved ones for eternity! Remember this:

Weeping may last for a night, but joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5) God’s children may have sorrow and tribulation in this world for what, in the light of eternity, will be but a brief moment, but they will find everlasting joy. Heaven will be a place without tears.

And we pray…

Praying tonight for all those battling depression. Battling feelings of unworthiness. Battling the constant war of lies in their mind, that the enemy is condemning them with. Tonight I want to remind you, that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are loved by Your Heavenly Father. When Jesus was on the cross, you were on His mind. No one is too far gone for the grace, forgiveness, and mercy of Jesus Christ.

Pray these Psalms with me tonight:

“The eyes of The Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are attentive to their cry.” Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭15‬

“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all; he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken.” Psalms‬ ‭34‬:‭17‬-‭20‬

God bless you dear friend. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

We remain prayerful…


Our Christian walk is about surrendering ourselves to the will of God as He perfects us by making us more and more like Him. Perfection is a gradual process that we will only fully come into when we leave this Earth and join God in Heaven

And we pray:

Dear God, I thank You that You are constantly at work in me and my life. Lord, I avail myself to Your ways because I know that they are higher than my own and they are what is best for me. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Wow! I am speechless.