We are touched so we TOUCH others, Amen.

While the laws of the world may change, the law of The LORD remains forever.


His Word never changes. His Word is holy. The church is The LORD’s house, we are The family, Amen.

God’s House, the church, is holy because it recognizes His Word. The church should strive for holiness and service unto The LORD. Much like the church, we should also strive to honor God’s Word in our hearts by how we live our lives. If The LORD lives in our hearts, then we should make this a holy house for The LORD as well.

And we pray:

Dear God, holy, holy, holy is The LORD God. We bow reverently before your throne. May we honor your laws which you gave us in the Bible. While we know things of the world may pass away, we know that your Word lasts forever. It does not change. Allow our hearts to fix on Your truths above all others so that we may live holy lives. Help us to honor Your laws by our actions and our hearts. May our hearts by a welcome home for a holy Savior. In Jesus’ name, Amen.