And we pray:


I have learned so very many things about God: You can trust His timing. God lives outside of time! We live in a physical world with its four known space-time dimensions of length, width, height (or depth) and time. However, God dwells in a different realm—the spirit realm—beyond the perception of our physical senses. It’sContinue reading “Hallelujah!!!”

What is living ‘righteously’?

To What do we answer? Wow! This could go/get deep quick! What is life? God reveals through the author of Genesis that He created some things with nephesh. This is the Hebrew word usually translated living being in Genesis but also as life, soul or with breath. Things created with nephesh are some animals and humans.Continue reading “What is living ‘righteously’?”


We at times are tried. Praise The LORD, Amen.

In ALL circumstances give God praise! Jesus never taught that ‘life would be ‘easy”… I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Jesus said: “I am the bread of life, I have the words of eternal life, whoever finds me finds life, whoever believes in me hasContinue reading “We at times are tried. Praise The LORD, Amen.”

Commit ALL to The LORD; His will be done in your life, Amen.

Each day, I wake to Your mercy LORD and I am bathed in Your glory, Amen.

“Cause me to hear Thy Loving-kindness in the morning; for in Thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee. Quicken me, O Lord, for Thy Name’s sake: for Thy righteousness sake, bring my soul out of trouble,” Amen. Psalm 143:8,11 DependableContinue reading “Each day, I wake to Your mercy LORD and I am bathed in Your glory, Amen.”


By your words you shall be justified….