We claim in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Our relative degrees of comfort in modern times has perhaps numbed us to the challenges of daily life not even a hundred years ago. In ancient times, most Gods followers and disciples had much less to subsist on, living by what may by today’s standards be considered poverty. Yet, we hear consistently in the Bible Gods praises being sung, thanking Him for His riches. This serves to remind us that we need perhaps much less than we think we do. These men and women still felt rich and thankful, still rejoiced in the Lord’s name – as it provided them with all they needed.

God will meet all our needs both spiritually and materially. The Philippian church has been generous to Paul and he is commending them for their generosity. Paul himself is content with whatever he has. Even if he is in need, it is God who strengthens him so that he knows how to be content in any situation (Phil 4:11).

But though he could have survived without the Philippians’ gift, and though he tells them that they don’t need to send him anything else, he is thankful for their sakes that they’ve been so generous. He knows that God will reward them for their generosity, and that makes him glad for them.


And we pray:

My God my shepherd in the light, I thank You for all I have today. Lead me not to forget that You are my only grace and savior, in whom countless treasures can be found. Show me the true wealth of life Lord, which I know rests only in Your Word and truth. In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, let these lessons enrich my soul each and every day as a disciple in Your hands. Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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