As we rise…

So much to focus on in this short share. In the Word the daily details of Jesus’ trials are not shared for the 40 day period He fasted. Wild animals, temperatures, all Jesus must have dealt with; and He was tempted during this time.

Suggestions for Reflection

  1. Jesus was tempted as we are. Temptations are not bad in themselves but it is what we do with them that can help us turn to God or away from God. Do we see temptations as ways to turn to God rather than rely our own resources?The temptations of Jesus seem different from the ways we are tempted or is there a similarity? Underneath the different temptations of Jesus, there is the invitation of Satan that he deny his identity as the Son of God. Are not our temptations an invitation to deny the kind of person we want to be and, instead, turn to unhealthy ways to satisfy ourselves?
  2. By resisting the temptations, Jesus chose to depend on His Father to satisfy His deepest hunger, to relate with others in an ordinary way and by not rely on reputation, power and possessions. How do we satisfy our deepest hungers? Do we depend on prestige and power to make ourselves acceptable to others?

And we pray:

Jesus, focus my heart and my mind on what you endured for me. Everything You did, You did for the salvation of all mankind– I am eternally grateful. I am in awe of You, Lord. Thank You for the cross, fill me with Your Spirit, use me LORD to do Your will I pray, Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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