Flavor you can “see”…

How can we be salt and light in today’s world? Jesus tells us in the last part of this passage; let people see your good works. Of course this presumes that we are doing good works and that we are not doing them to look good, but to glorify God. Everyone can recognize a hypocrite. We can tell when someone is showing off. We also can recognize people who do the right thing because it is the right thing to do. Not only are we supposed to be the light of the world but to point out to others the lights in our world. So often the people we hear about are those doing the wrong thing. How often do we hear about the true heroes in the news, the people who go about their business quietly volunteering in soup kitchens, homeless shelters, after-school programs, and in so many small ways that make a big difference in people’s lives. These are the ones who are lighting up our communities, salting our world, making a difference. This is supposed to be us. It is our job to go into our neighborhoods, our communities and make a difference by bringing our Christian values into the workplace, our families and in whatever situations we find ourselves in. These values determine the way we do our jobs, the way we raise our children and love our spouses, the way we vote and every other aspect of our lives. We are called to make a difference.

And we pray:

Father, Your grace has brought me forth, shine through me I pray in Jesus’ name. Your Word is The difference, Hallelujah! LORD, move me to live Your Word I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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