Who are you? What and where? Why?

We start life with nothing but ourselves. Sure, some of us may have more material comfort or better family relations, but all of this comes to us from someone else, and not from ourselves. Ultimately, everything that we have can be sourced back to God. And when we depart this life, our standing with Him is all that we take with us.

And we pray:

Lord, in times of prosperity and in seasons of famine, I praise You. Teach me not to hunger after the comforts and pleasures of this life, but to seek You first. For You are the giver of all good gifts, and apart from You, even if I have the world, I have nothing. Thank You that when the things of this world fail, crumble, and burn, Your Love still remains. In Jesus’ Name I give You glory and praise, Amen.

Published by Fellowship of Praise: ALL praise to God our Reason, Hallelujah!!!

To God be The glory. Let us praise God together for His ALL in our lives, Amen.

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